So I found this lovely image on Andy's blog today... sad news for us single Ohio ladies haha :) (go visit his site for a clearer view)
On another note... the power was off for about 50 hours this weekend, and has been off at least once every 3 to 4 hours (usually for anywhere from 1 to 20 minutes) since it came back on Monday... Sunday night we went to stay with some friends so we could sleep (all 6 of us... slumber party like woah!), but of course I got super sick and was in the bathroom all night... needless to day, I didn't go to school Monday, slept all day, and was only up for about 4 hours on Monday, and now am feeling much better after a lovely round of antibiotics and lots of sleep.
Ghana is not my favorite place to be right now.
BUT I will enjoy the rest of my time here, even if it kills me... my parents will be here in 11 days (YAY!!), and my class is doing great, I just love them... I have fantastic friends (both in America and Ghana) who are helping me to keep trucking... AND I have decided what's next (although I won't share it here yet... there are still details to be worked out first)!!
Last thing - pray with me for my little bro... he broke his hip... how many 14 year olds do you know who have managed to break their hips?? Ya, didn't think so... only my Jon :) - Pray that he's not in too much pain, and that (even though the fracture is on the growth plate) he won't need surgery, especially with my parents leaving for 2 weeks - he goes to the doctor in the morning, I'll let you know what I hear.
I love you so super much.
I'm praying for Jon.
I'm excited for you that your parents will be there soon.
And I'm REALLY wishing you were online.
I lament as well... and Ghana isn't my fav either.
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