I'm going to see Slumdog Millionaire tonight... I have no idea what it's about really, but I've heard that it is very good, so I'm excited!
My birthday was Wednesday & I had an awesome day at school, my kids are great & their parents are fantastic :) I certainly didn't come home empty handed!! I got to talk to my mom & dad, Rachel, and Matt on the phone & it was so good to hear all of their voices. Talking to people on IM is great, and I'm so glad that technology allows me to communicate with so many people that way... but hearing someone's voice... that's my favorite (well, of course other than seeing them!) :)
I linked Andy Merrick's blog on my 'sites worth a look' box, but I just want to make sure you all actually go there... he is working on a series about dating (that he plans to turn into a book) called "Why Guys Aren't Asking You Out", and it is fantastic... he has really thought out the things he says & makes some challenging, encouraging, and well, true points. I highly reccommend it!!! Also the rest of his blog... he is just hilarious & every day he gives away free music... FREE!! :) I have been the recipient of some of this music, and I am so thankful for it... THANKS ANDY!! Here is the link to the series on dating.
MY PARENTS GET HERE IN 23 DAYS!!!! I am oh so excited for them to come and see my world, to spend some time with them, and to get a break from school & travel a bit.
I'm pretty sure I found a place to stay in NYC for my 2nd night... woot!!! I'm so glad that I won't have to worry about the cost of a hotle room/hostel for that night :)
I love music. It moves, inspires, relaxes, impresses, humors, intrigues, and soothes me. It makes me dance, it makes me laugh, it even makes me cry sometimes. I love finding new music, sharing my finds, and hearing about new ones... I think my next post will be a list of some of my new favorites w/ links to them & if I can figure out how, samples for you to listen to why I love them :) Before I do that, though, do any of you have suggestions for music?? I like pretty much everything, so don't leave off that one song or artist that you might love but think is cheesey :)
Lurkers, ahhemmm new friends, feel free to say hello!! Leave a comment & tell me how you found me :)
Happy Belated Birthday, Ashley!
Hmm... if I could recommend some music, I guess I'd say that I love Jason Mraz, and if you like him, too... then G. Love and Special Sauce might work for you! Also, Amos Lee has a really cute song-- IDK if you've seen this commercial, but it's totally got me hooked: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgjIk-_SQjA&feature=related
You need modeling lessons. And they're a good bargaining trade for less important things like learning how to count.
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