Thursday, May 28, 2009
Annie in South Africa
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
In sight
Sunday, May 24, 2009
so about that...
I just re-read the post I wrote Friday... and oh man, I couldn't DISagree with myself more right now about one thing. At this moment, I feel like I will not miss this place. The people, without question. The culture, even some food, certainly! The lack of efficiency, the ridiculous electricity (or should I say lack of electricity), and the heat... these things I will not miss. These last few weeks have been the worst of all for me in Ghana electricity & heat wise. I feel like the electricity has been off just as much or more than it has been on, not to mention the lovely situation this week when they actually came and CUT our power line because of a mistake on their part with billing. After 2 hours of running around from my house to school to the power company then getting shuffled from room to room and being scolded for different things (like not coming in to find out how much the bill that they messed up should have been... because I knew you messed it up, right...) they FINALLY sent someone (and by sent I mean we had to take him with us in the school van and I was expected to pay for his transportation back) to fix it. This all happened during the day, when I should have been teaching... thank you Jesus that I have a great aid that covered for me so I could get it all sorted out!! Well... of course the power was out even once the line was reconnected. How ironic. That was an AWESOME day... This weekend the power was off from Saturday around 3pm till today (Sunday) at like 5:30pm... ugh.
Ghana, I'm just going to be honest here, you aren't making it very hard to leave you...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Have you ever watched a 16 year old boy read a children’s book to 5 & 6 year olds? It’s pretty entertaining! There are 2 high school boys reading to my class right now, and I am just loving watching them interact. They are being such good examples of patience and kindness, as well as reading. They are using different voices, showing the pictures, answering silly questions, and pausing for the children’s laughter.
Earlier today, I wanted the children to practice writing a friendly letter, so I let them choose who our letter would be to. They chose President Obama. Here is what they decided as a group to write:
Dear President Obama,
You are the best president! You are doing a good job, keep doing good things. We are praying for you.
I guess really what I’m saying is… I am going to miss this place, but really more than anything, these kids & their families, as well as the coworkers that have become like family to me. One of my 5 roommates said this the other day and it rang so true for me… she said “We all get along so well because we just let each other be. When I am happy, you guys let me be happy & encourage me in it. When I am sad, you let me be sad. We don’t bother each other to be something we are not, and I feel like I’m really myself here.”
Only 15 days till I get on the plane… woah!
Thursday, May 7, 2009

7. Sincerity... as in, when someone says "How are you today?" and they actually mean it, and you can just tell... that, is my favorite :)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
5 Love Languages
Acts of Service
Quality Time
Physical Touch
These are the 5 love languages as taught by Gary Chapman. I have taken quizzes several times, and always, my top love language is physical touch. I am a hugger, I talk with my hands, I touch when I talk, and I don't have much of a personal space 'bubble'. Quality time and affirmation (ie, words of encouragement) tie for 2nd, then acts of service and lastly comes gifts.
So here's what God shoved in my face tonight as I was trying very hard to communicate to a good friend who is back in Ohio that I am so stinkin' proud of him, and all I wanted to do was jump through the internet and give him a HUGE hug...
When something good happens to someone I care about, I get genuinely excited with them... my favorite way to show this is obviously going to be through physical touch or physically showing it... aka hugging, jumping up and down, squeezing their hands, etc... now, being in Ghana... obviously I can't do this with all of these amazing people God has allowed me to maintain close friendships with. Don't you think God might have placed me in a position where I had to use words instead of physical touch more often on purpose? I do!!! I'm thinking there is a pretttyyyy good chance that maybe, just maybe, he has been working on me in this area, and I don't know why, but I just realized it tonight.
Sometimes words are more important than a hug or physically showing someone I care... sometimes people need to hear 'I'm proud of you!', 'You are special to me', or simply just 'I love you', and while I wouldn't hesitate to say something like this to people in the past, I find that when I can rely only my words to express these things (not the ability to hug or jump up and down), I find myself being much more intentional about expressing things in words. I want to be someone who encourages those around me. I want people to know that I am excited with them, that I am proud of them, that they are special to me, and that I love them... and sometimes the best way to communicate all of those things is simply to SAY them.
Isn't God smart :)
Big hugs from Jardyn :)
Friday, March 27, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I Lament

So I found this lovely image on Andy's blog today... sad news for us single Ohio ladies haha :) (go visit his site for a clearer view)
On another note... the power was off for about 50 hours this weekend, and has been off at least once every 3 to 4 hours (usually for anywhere from 1 to 20 minutes) since it came back on Monday... Sunday night we went to stay with some friends so we could sleep (all 6 of us... slumber party like woah!), but of course I got super sick and was in the bathroom all night... needless to day, I didn't go to school Monday, slept all day, and was only up for about 4 hours on Monday, and now am feeling much better after a lovely round of antibiotics and lots of sleep.
Ghana is not my favorite place to be right now.
BUT I will enjoy the rest of my time here, even if it kills me... my parents will be here in 11 days (YAY!!), and my class is doing great, I just love them... I have fantastic friends (both in America and Ghana) who are helping me to keep trucking... AND I have decided what's next (although I won't share it here yet... there are still details to be worked out first)!!
Last thing - pray with me for my little bro... he broke his hip... how many 14 year olds do you know who have managed to break their hips?? Ya, didn't think so... only my Jon :) - Pray that he's not in too much pain, and that (even though the fracture is on the growth plate) he won't need surgery, especially with my parents leaving for 2 weeks - he goes to the doctor in the morning, I'll let you know what I hear.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
He is mighty to save!
Matthew 8:24-26
24Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" 26He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
As I sat in my chair, watching them with smiles, I looked down and read in my own head the verses... and again I read it... each time the phrase "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" jumping off the page more and more. With a hard gulp, I began to think about why. I had a wave of emotion... what is that, I thought?! I don't even feel like I'm going through a storm in my life... I'm happy! I’ll be back in the US soon, my class is doing so well, I'm saving money to get settled when I get home, I'm going to have the awesome privilege of travelling to several places this summer & visiting friends and family all over the country, my parents are coming here, all the way to Africa, to visit me in 2.5 weeks, I get to take a vacation with them here in Ghana and see part of the country that I haven't been able to yet... what in the world is this emotion?! Certainly not anger... yet it isn’t happiness either. I recognized it as just what the verse is talking about fairly quickly... fear. I have been afraid.
I have been praying, and asking others to pray with me, that I would clearly see God's will for my next step in life (where to go to grad school), seeking the answer to that question the best I know how. But I have silently been afraid. I have been afraid of the answer to the very question I was asking, I have been afraid of admitting to myself what my true desires are, where I feel in my heart I want to be, and not only where I want to be, but where I feel God is calling me to be. I have been afraid to talk to certain people about it, for fear that they will be disappointed in my choice, that they will think me unwise or ungrateful. I've realized also that I was actually afraid all along. I was guarding my heart against rejection from the program by saying I didn't know where I wanted to go, when deep down inside, my heart had already been whispering its desires for some time.
2 Timothy 1:7
7For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
My fear wasn't one that posed an immediate, life-or-death threat, but I was still saying to God "Save me! I'm going to drown!"... and now I think back to other times in my life when I didn't say it, but I pleaded, begged, yelled and screamed it to Him... How often we do this!!! Get caught up in some fear, and forget that not only that God has not given us a timid/fearful spirit, but one of POWER, love, and self-discipline; but also that HE IS RIGHT THERE WITH US. He is not just nearby, He is IN THE BOAT WITH US... all the disciples had to do was go and ask, and he calmed the storm immediately... but not without the reminder "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Why are we so afraid?! We place such little faith in the fact that our God is mighty to save, and yet he still steps in, and calms the storms when we finally do call out to Him.
Matthew 17:20
20 I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
Zephaniah 3:16-17
16 On that day they will say to Jerusalem,
"Do not fear, O Zion;
do not let your hands hang limp.
17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
My God is mighty to save... He delights in me, and quiets me, and rejoices over ME with singing... WOW!! Music speaks to my soul, and when the Holy Spirit moves in me, it often comes through music, just like today, as I had all of these thoughts during the song that the 4th graders sang.
My kindergarteners helped me write the following… kind of… how awesome are they!!
I’m afraid when lightning comes to shake
Nightmares roar and it’s hard to take
Sometimes I’m scared the big dogs will bite
And it gets so hard to see the light
I feel the water rising
It’s all around
Lord, please save me
I’m going to drown
The answer comes, loud and clear
Your faith so small, it got you here.
This fear you hold is not of me
But of the one who wants you to be
Timid and small; but do not fall.To you I give power, boldness and love
I’ll be here to hold your head above
In God I will trust, I will not be afraid
For my God is mighty, mighty to save
Friday, March 13, 2009
brain fluff
I'm going to see Slumdog Millionaire tonight... I have no idea what it's about really, but I've heard that it is very good, so I'm excited!
My birthday was Wednesday & I had an awesome day at school, my kids are great & their parents are fantastic :) I certainly didn't come home empty handed!! I got to talk to my mom & dad, Rachel, and Matt on the phone & it was so good to hear all of their voices. Talking to people on IM is great, and I'm so glad that technology allows me to communicate with so many people that way... but hearing someone's voice... that's my favorite (well, of course other than seeing them!) :)
I linked Andy Merrick's blog on my 'sites worth a look' box, but I just want to make sure you all actually go there... he is working on a series about dating (that he plans to turn into a book) called "Why Guys Aren't Asking You Out", and it is fantastic... he has really thought out the things he says & makes some challenging, encouraging, and well, true points. I highly reccommend it!!! Also the rest of his blog... he is just hilarious & every day he gives away free music... FREE!! :) I have been the recipient of some of this music, and I am so thankful for it... THANKS ANDY!! Here is the link to the series on dating.
MY PARENTS GET HERE IN 23 DAYS!!!! I am oh so excited for them to come and see my world, to spend some time with them, and to get a break from school & travel a bit.
I'm pretty sure I found a place to stay in NYC for my 2nd night... woot!!! I'm so glad that I won't have to worry about the cost of a hotle room/hostel for that night :)
I love music. It moves, inspires, relaxes, impresses, humors, intrigues, and soothes me. It makes me dance, it makes me laugh, it even makes me cry sometimes. I love finding new music, sharing my finds, and hearing about new ones... I think my next post will be a list of some of my new favorites w/ links to them & if I can figure out how, samples for you to listen to why I love them :) Before I do that, though, do any of you have suggestions for music?? I like pretty much everything, so don't leave off that one song or artist that you might love but think is cheesey :)
Lurkers, ahhemmm new friends, feel free to say hello!! Leave a comment & tell me how you found me :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
New York, New York
My flight from here to NYC got cancelled so I have to leave here a day later, meaning I only have 1 night in NYC with my friends Amy & Jonathan, then they have to keep going to their final destination... I can extend my stay for another night, but then I'm in the city by myself for a night... which means I'd either have to pay for my own hotel room, stay in a hostel (which is still pricey) or find someone to stay with... hence the blog :)
Do any of you know someone who lives in or very close to New York City?? I want to stay longer to see more, but I'm a little nervous about doing it myself...
Speaking of never having been to other places... I've never been to NYC, Chicago, California, Texas, etc..., etc... I want to take lots of roadtrips this summer, and have a few friends who also want to go on some... any suggestions or ideas for cheap/easy roadtrips from Ohio? Anything to see or do where you live (I can cook you a killer dinner in exchange for a roof to sleep under)? Here are some of the plans/ideas I have so far:
~Memphis/Arkansas to visit a friend/go to her lakehouse
~Colorado to see my Aunt, Uncle & cousins there
~of course Cincinnati/N.KY as much as possible
~Birmingham (to see a friend working there & visit my Grandpa just north of there)
~S. Carolina
Ideas? Places to stay in NYC (or anywhere else)?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Dear Melinda,
9. I love your genuine curiosity. You aren't afraid to ask questions, and are always willing to hear the whole answer. You make me use my brain & think about what I really believe, feel, and think, and why.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
What's Next
~Be back in Ohio June 9th (after a 2 day stop in NYC to be a tourist with Amy and Jonathan)
~Buy a car
~I have the pleasure of being in my beautiful cousins wedding on June 27th, and then will be attending one other in July
~I'll be jam packing as much travel, and visiting friends & family as possible in June, July and early August (*hopefully including* a visit to Colorado, Tennessee/Arkansas, Indiana, of course Cincinnnati/N.Ky... and wherever else I can convince someone to come along with me)
~Begin furthering my education at on of three places... and this is where I begin to have noooo clue what's next...
Depending on which school I decide to go to, there are 3 different paths my life will begin to take.
1. Stay in Dayton, work hard to get an assistantship and/or scholarships, start a job (most likely two, the one I was doing before coming here, and probably another part time), then start my 2 years of graduate school.
2. Move to Cincinnati, start a whole new life there... new friends, new job, new everything... then start my 2 years of graduate school there.
3. Move to Nashville.... start an even newer life, with even newer friends, a new job, and really... a hugely newer everything since I don't know anyone or know my way around at all... then start my 2 years of graduate school there.
Now I just have to wait to hear from 2 of the schools about acceptance, and then decide...
Oh boy...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
cooking up a storm
I've been using these steamer bags that Ziploc makes when I can find fresh broccoli and I LOVEEE them!! They are so super duper easy to use (all you do is wash the veggies, toss them in the bag with seasonings and stick it in the microwave!) and the finished product tastes amazing with rice or noodles... great find (although I only have a few left... anyone want to send me a pack?!) :)
I also brought some bacon bits with me (the kind that are real bacon, not imitation), and made 2 baked potatoes about 2 weeks ago, one for dinner and one for lunch the next day, and I put some bacon bits, cheese, and butter on them... yum! With the leftover potatoes I made what my mom calls parsley potatoes, but to make it a little more exciting, I added a little ranch dressing and some laughing cow cheese (similar to cream cheese, but a more cheesy flavor)... all so yummy!!
Also, last Saturday Amy, Amanda and I decided that instead of going out to eat on Saturday night we would splurge on some real (and really expensive) cheese and look up a few recipes and create our own restaurant quality meal :) - we ended up making what we call turkey pie (a recipe from one of the Lebanese mom's at our school, who happens to be an incredible cook herself) and beer cheese soup (which was really more like soupy fondue, and we dipped bread in it).
I have really enjoyed cooking lately, and just thought I'd tell you about some of the fun things I've made lately :) I hope everyone is having a fantastic Valentine's Day, I sure did!!!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
25 Things
1. I just watched Top Gun for the first time this week… felt like I had already seen it 20 times though - (Chris Brown totally stole the ‘hearts all over the world tonight’ line from Meg Ryan in Top Gun)
2. I have a scar that is about 1inch long on my right thigh from my bathtub here in Ghana… I know, I know… the bathtub??
3. I would really rather sing every sentence that comes from my mouth and dance every step of every journey I take than simply talk and walk… impractical?
4. Pretty much every time you speak to me there is a song that is playing in my head, the lyrics matching or coming after whatever you just said…
5. Isn’t it funny that in the US during the winter 50 degrees can feel warm, but in Africa during dry season when there is no humidity 90 degrees can feel COLD?!?! I know you don’t believe me, but it’s so true!!
6. The thought of even the possibility of moving to Nashville on my own makes me more nervous than the thought of moving to Ghana did.
7. Three days ago I had the joy of having a 20 minute heart to heart with 10 5ish year olds about why kissing people who aren’t your family on the lips is not appropriate (“Yes, when you get married you can kiss your wife on the lips all you want, but not in Kindergarten!”).
8. Once I went on a 3 mile bike ride through the African bush… might not sound very far… but I will never do that again (certain death awaits if I try, I’m just sure of it).
9. Once I went on a 4 hour hike through the African jungle… I will never do that again either… although I would LOVE to swim in the waterfall we stopped at again. Do you think I could arrange to hike down and then just get airlifted out after swimming??
10. I have athletic induced asthma. I did not have my inhaler on either of the 2 above trips… bad plan.
11. It probably wouldn’t actually be too hard to convince me to do either of those two things again...
12. I had my first ear infection at the age of 21.
13. I cried almost every day after school in first grade. I think I learned more that year than any other because my teacher pushed us so hard and was so ‘mean’ (read: I was too sensitive). I also think that year of my life has something to do with why I am an overachiever with some things but extremely unmotivated for others.
14. I love the way the antiseptic they used at the clinic in my elementary school smelled. I went there almost every day after lunch in 3rd grade. I don’t remember much about that year, even my teacher’s name (ok, now an hour later after thinking REALLY HARD about it, I *think* I remember… Mom, was it Mrs. Brown??), but Mrs. Osbourne was the nurse’s name and I can tell you the exact layout of the clinic…
15. Come to think of it… I don’t really remember much about 2nd grade either… there seems to be a black hole (give or take snippets here and there) in my memory where a majority of the memories of 2nd and 3rd grade have disappeared.
16. I wear my feelings in my eyes instead of on my sleeve… they change colors depending on my mood and emotions. If you can figure out the color that comes with a mood/emotion, you can read me like a book.
17. I love that my eyes change colors… it’s pretty much a superpower ;)
18. I feel like a bad sister/cousin/friend/daughter for missing things like showchoir competitions, graduations, award ceremonies, dances, performances, weddings, engagements, parties, game nights, birthdays, births, vacations, and road trips, but it’s really the small things like text messages just because we can, talking on the phone for 5 minutes or 3 hours, sitting down for a meal in or out, hugs, and being able to say I love you to your faces that I miss the most.
19. It takes a minimum of 20 minutes from the time I start typing a text to the time it gets sent. I will re-word it 10 times before you ever see it.
20. Unless it’s so crowded there is no choice, it stresses me out to no end to have people sit right behind me in the movie theater. Please choose the back if I go to a movie with you :)
21. I don’t like feet… not afraid, just don’t want to touch yours.
22. I am afraid of clowns. Not like I’ll go run and hide, I just really don’t like them, especially if they won’t talk.
23. One summer I lost weight even though I pretty much only ate ice cream. The Ice Cream diet… it works (or working at an ice cream shop almost every day for the whole summer).
24. I can make one killer chocolate, peanut butter, and cappuccino chip ice cream cake (in Ghana… I’ll have to re-invent it when I get home).
25. Ice cream is my favorite food. Yes, it is a food. Hence the killer ice cream cake, working at an ice cream shop, and eating it all the time. Hands down, all time best flavor ever (don’t even try to argue with me, especially if you’ve never had it) is chocolate peanut butter but ONLY if its from Young’s Jersey Dairy in Yellow Springs, Ohio… other than that I’m not really a one-flavor gal.
** Bonus fact… kind of like when they put an hidden track on a CD, but maybe better… It took me 4 days to complete this list.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I can't tell you how many times I've come and opened a blank post and then just sat staring at the empty screen... the words, they just will not come. For that I am sorry, but I know they will come eventually... but I didn't disappear, just incase anyone was worried :)
coming soon... maybe some... words?