A few weekends ago I had some friends visit from Cape Coast (I went to high school with 2 of them and the others go to college with them... they're doing a 4 month teaching abroad program) We went up to the mountains (Aburi) and did an 11Km bike hike... let me tell you that it was pretty much the most physically challenging thing I have ever done, and will probably never do it again (because I barely, BARELY made it this time!!), although I would love to go back and do a shorter version :) - I can't even begin to accurately explain to you the beauty of the jungle or the smell of anice (the spice that they make black licorice with...) permating the air... but here are some pictures for you to enjoy!! (also, Thanksgiving with the Cabreras, an amazing family that treats us like gold, and we love dearly!!!)
Looking down the crazy hill we started off with... the first thing I said was "Do we have to come back up this at the end??" the answer... YES...

Amanda B. got a great picture of whta the inside of coco looks like... its yummy!!!
Learning how palm wine is made from our guide, Julius (p.s. he goes on the bike hikes several times a day, 5 days a week... rediculous!!)... so unsanitary!!!

The little village we went to just off the path (there are 20 people that live here and they mainly farm and raise cattle... about 6 of them)
Roomate love... oh man were we WIPED OUT!!! (I really was trying to smile...)
Waiting in line for food at Thanksgiving... we're hungry!!
Sharing the things that we are thankful for & praying :)

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