~having a car
~Fall (pumpkin everything, colored leaves, leaves falling, hiking, hoodies, etc...)
~ice cream... GOOD ice cream
~restraunts (Red Robin, Olive Garden, Max N' Ermas, Steak N' Shake, Arby's, Wendy's, Chick Fil A, Youngs Dairy, Christopher's, etc... etc... etc...)
~Target, WalMart, Meijer, Sam's Club, Kroger...
~my mommy
~my whole family actually...
~cheesburgers & smoothies (with strawberries...)
~talking to my friends whenever I feel the urge to call (and not paying a fortune for it...)
~my church... the one where I fit...
~staying out till 2am on Thursdays, even though we have to work in the morning
~Recces Cups, fruit snacks, strawberries, fortune cookies at Chineese restraunts
~going to the movies
~blending in... not being the big, red, sore thumb everyone points out
~the people that I know love me no matter what
~having potlucks just for the heck of it
~running into people I haven't seen for years
~weekends in Columbus
~friend dates
~did I already say driving??
~not worrying that the water I brush my teeth with will make me sick
~belting out Mika at the top of our lungs driving down the highway
~midnight Kroger runs because we want sprinkles, ice cream, sweet tea, and cheese...
~the predictability of having roast beef every Sunday for lunch (I love my grandma!!!)
~being there when the people that I love dearly need a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, or someone to scratch their arm
~pants that fit
~the outlet mall
~the ability to weigh myself
~my 6th grade sunday school girls
Ok, so I know that is a long list... I just felt the need to get it out of my system :) - don't fear though, the next post shall be a list (much like this one in length I'm sure!) of all of the things I LOVE here.

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