as promised... a list of all of the things that I LOVE about Ghana
~the smiling face of a child yelling "Obruni, obruni!!!" (and sometimes "give me money"...)
~trotros (tin can vans that you pack 18 people into and can ride for an hour for less than a dollar)
~fresh, all natural produce available at every street corner
~the genuine friendliness of the general Ghanaian population (of course this isn't true of everyone)
~"You are welcome!!"
~no matter how little people have, they are always willing to share it
~"its nice to be nice"
~our guards being told that we must live here, because we weren't easy to rip off :)
~having 2 wonderful gate guards who bend over backward to make sure we are well taken care of
~not being phased by a rooster/goat/lizard running under my feet while walking
~the way you can tell its going to rain because of a thousand things (the clouds, the wind, the trees & leaves, the way people suddenly disappear and run inside)
~the way it starts downpouring out of nowhere and having water up to your ankles after its only been raining for 1 minute
~the pride that the people have in their country
~watching futbol matches
~the fact that I get to attend African Cup games in January!!!!!!!!
~the way it smells when it rains
~the beautiful red dirt
~the FOOD!!!!!! (it is so yummy!)
~plantains!! (fried, grilled, chips, etc... etc... - I love plantains!!)
~the hussle and bussle of the markets, and the peacefulness of the jungle
~the way my Ghanaian friends say words like rediculous, thigh, and anything with an r (which is usually pronounced as l... so frog sounds like flog... ex: "I'm aflaid of flogs")
~Twi and the crazy sounds that you have to make & distinguish when speaking/hearing it (most of which I can't hear or make)
~Beacon House, and knowing that there are 20 or so kids who look forward to seeing Amanda and I at least once a week and who sometimes tear up when we leave
~knowing that those kids are being well taken care of while they wait for their adoptions to go through
~feeling high profile when attending events at embassies and ambassadors residences
~the fact that some things are rediculously cheap (others, however, are rediculously expensive... and this I do not love)
~being called the "big one", and the fact that its a GOOD thing :)
~walking... everywhere... which = loosing weight
~the smell of anice (black licorice) permeating the air while on an 11km bike hike through the jungle
~getting clothes tailor made to fit me
~exchanging phone numbers with an old couple on a trotro, just because they like my name and want to make sure I'm doing ok
~appreicating the small things... like getting a tube of toothpaste or a recces cup :)
~9 kindergarteners who love me & I love right back
~roomates who are here to serve Christ and have good hearts
~the fact that God is teaching me that He is all I need...
I think I might have managed to make this list even longer than the last :) so see, I really do love it here, and know that it is exactly where I'm supposed to be, and I wouldn't have it any other way!! I am soo very excited to see everyone at Christmas... there is a physical twinge of longing that I don't think I can accurately convey with words deep in my gut that I know will only subside when I am back home.

** Photo Blog to come in the next few days documenting that 11km bike hike through the jungle I spoke of up there :)