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Thursday, May 7, 2009


I was tagged for this 'Kreativ Blogger Award' by Lydia, THANKS :)

The first 'assignment' for being tagged is to make a list of 7 favorite things... wow tough!!! I could make a list of 700 foods I love alone :) Getting a list down to just 7 will be tough, but I'm up for the challenge... here it goes, in no particular order, because that would be even tougher... (Lydia did it by putting up pictures, it's been a while since I've posted any, so I'm copying and doing that too!! Heads up... some of these are old!)

1. food - cooking/baking and eating

2. kids, especially these 12, and those 3

3. All of these girls

4. travel - trains, planes, automobiles, etc... & I have a thing for airports and gas stations

5. awkward moments & awkwardness in general

6. teal/turquoise/blue-green (like the shirt just above) - Melinda says thats what color I am anyway :)

7. Sincerity... as in, when someone says "How are you today?" and they actually mean it, and you can just tell... that, is my favorite :)
now I'm told I've got to tag 7 others... well, TAG! You're it, you Kreativ Blogger, you! Cherish your award and have fun with your favorites :)


Lydia said...

Yay food!!! :D

And hehehe @ funny tan line.

I have a newww blog... (don't believe I've given you the link?) kinda along the lines with my faith journey.

Derrick and Desmond Braziel said...

hahahaha, so what do i do now?! make one of those thingS?!