At AIS we have our own version of Halloween called "Storybook Theme Day". The students (and teachers of course) dress up as a character from a book (and in our class if they had the book they brought it in so we could read it). It just so happened that we had reading month in October this year, so it was the last day of this and the 2nd grade and lower classes had a party (bouncy castle and juice bar!!), and I had asked my student's parents to send in treats for our class party... and then remembered it was also bake sale Friday (the last Friday of every month) - can you say SUGAR??!?! Oh well... it was so much fun, all 9 of my kids dressed up and had so much fun all day :) - enjoy the pic's :)

My girls :)
My boys :)

Me and Meg :)

My whole class on stage for the "parade" - Nana Adjoa (the fairy w/ the wings) won a "most creative" prize!
The high school & their teachers :)
1 comment:
That was painful. I can't believe Story Book Theme Day has come and gone again. Everyone is laughing and smiling and enjoying the break from routine procedure. And I'm not there. I'm not there to read said story books. I'm not there to take a million pictures with my High Schoolers. I'm not there to rebelliously paint my finger nails black because I can. And when the day is over - I'm not there to carve watermelons with my family. I'm not there to go to Panto practice. An entire year has passed already - and I'm not there.
I realized this morning that as much as I miss the faces, and the places, and the laughter and the love - I'm not there anymore. And I don't want to be.
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