the title of this blog is so true... I am here, and I am doing my best to help anyone that I can... but on the same token, that's just what I would be doing in the US as well.
I am so torn on the subject of aid... my roommates and I talk about this every now and then, and Mariah actually just posted this article from BBC to her Facebook: It's a very good article - check it out if you can!!
Anyway, back to why I need Africa more than it needs me... and why the heck I'm writing this in the first place - there is an org called Mocha Club - I'm not yet a member myself, but I have lots of close friends who are, and do intend to become a member, most likely this summer when I return home and am back to having a normal salary - it's a great org that asks for $7 a month, instead of one Mocha, to go toward aid in Africa. Again, I am torn about this, but I really feel that this org is doing a great job at seeing to the money actually getting to the people who need it. There are several different projects which you can choose to have your money go toward. I found the site of a woman named Kate a few days ago, and she challenged her readers to post about this topic, to join Mocha Club, and is even offering a contest to win a print from her and her husband's trip to South Africa/Zimbabwe (the pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!). I have visited the Mocha Club site several times in the last few weeks after hearing about it so much from my friends who are a part of it, and after reading her post and accepting her challenge... well, here we are!
Ok... finally! The project that I identify most with on the Mocha Club site is the one called Orphan Care. I am drawn to this cause for so many reasons... from wanting to adopt children myself someday, to getting to know personally a house full of orphaned children here in Ghana. If only I could take them all up in my arms and keep them forever... unfortunately I can't - and even if I could adopt even one now, it wouldn't be fair to my future husband or the child. I can, however, get their stories out and encourage others to actively take some role in helping to care for orphans around the world - not just in Africa, but even in the US (orphan care is even in the Bible! - James 1:27). Here is an excerpt of the comment I left on Kate's blog yesterday to help explain why I relate to Orphan Care:
"Since I’ve been here in Ghana (I’m working as a teacher at an international Christian school) my heartbeat has been a local orphanage. The stories of the children who I’ve gotten to know and love with all my heart are incredible… sad, hopeful, encouraging, and heart wrenching all at the same time. When I visited Mocha Club last week, the first project that jumped out at me was Orphan Care. I have always felt a longing in me to have a family, and there has always been a still small voice that has said over and over again that part of that family was going to be adopted - children from around the world, a rainbow of skin, children who God has a special plan to become a part of my family - precious gifts wrapped in a different package, adoption. Until that time comes, I want to do whatever I can to stay involved with the orphanage I volunteer at here in Ghana, and others such as the ones through Mocha Club."
Please check out the Mocha Club website and seriously consider joining - only $7 a month, only 1 Mocha that you have to give up! Here is the link to their site:
and for real finally... why I REALLY need Africa more than Africa needs me...
Almost 2 years ago, God started me on my journey to Africa. A journey that has not always been easy, one that has shown me sides of people I didn't know could be so dark yet has shown me pure joy in Jesus at the same time. God has taught me lessons that I never could have learned in Ohio, that He had specially planned for me to learn during my time here. I have been stretched and pushed outside of my comfort zone, and been ok with it, so many more times here in Ghana that I ever would in the US. I needed Africa to teach me so many things... that I am independent, but only through the support of my Savior. That people are not always what they seem... both negatively and positively. That the passion that I talked about for orphans is a real one and that it really does come from God. That I love teaching, but am meant to be teaching Special Education. That my parents really do know what they are talking about, and that I am so grateful to them & have so much respect for them because of everything they have done for me. That I really can do ALL THINGS through Christ, because He strengthens me. And that my God is a GREAT BIG God, that He holds me in His hands, and that He will NEVER leave me. Not only these things but so much more... that is why I needed Africa so much more than it has or will ever need me.