“girl S, you are six!! You know EVERYTHING!!” girlL
“Ya, but she doesn’t know that there are pretty flowers in heaven!” boyD
“Miss Hopkinnsss!! girlS asked me if God can go through your fingernail, and I said yes.” boyL
“No, I still don’t think he can” girlS
“STOP IT girlS!! I told you he cannnn!” boyL (in a strained voice)
“In heaven there is a roller coaster with Jesus. Its true, cause it’s in a game my cousin has. It’s called Rainbow Road.” girlL
“Hey I know the best kind of gorillas. The ones that can play soccer, and I know it cause I’ve seen one! You know that, it can play soccer!!!” boyL
“Something smells.” says boyN
“That’s your breath." answers girlL
Umm, the last one would by far be the favorite. BY FAR!
Loves and misses!
these are precious . . . what is the old saying . . . out of the mouths of babes?! haha. i love it. hey, thank you for your comment on my last post! you're so encouraging. i love you to pieces. i look forward to seeing you over your christmas break! please don't forget to call me. . . though i know you'll be super busy with everyone pulling you in a million directions, i still hope to see you.
love and prayers!
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