Saturday I went to auditions for a part in the British International Players production of...

Peter Pan!!!!
I'm really excited about it... for the 1st time in my life, I didn't chicken out because I was too nervous to sing at the try-out, I belted my little heart out, and I didn't keel over and die of embarrassment!!!! In fact, I did just fine... maybe even well :) - I really think it will be a fun thing to be a part of... I had fun just doing makeup for the 3 performances of Robin Hood last year, and it felt really good to be in the drama scene again after being out of it since high school. I'm even more excited to atually be up on stage, and maybe even saying a few lines!
I should find out by Wednesday if I made it, and if I did, if I am in the chorus or have a part :) I'll let you know ;)
Fox said you did very well at the audition. Look forward to hearing how you did.
Fox approval. You DID do good! You should know by now, can't wait to hear!
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