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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hosanna by Hillsong United

I see the king of glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes


I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees

Hosanna in the highest

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna in the highest

Monday, September 22, 2008

maybe I don't want to grow up...

Saturday I went to auditions for a part in the British International Players production of...

Peter Pan!!!!

I'm really excited about it... for the 1st time in my life, I didn't chicken out because I was too nervous to sing at the try-out, I belted my little heart out, and I didn't keel over and die of embarrassment!!!! In fact, I did just fine... maybe even well :) - I really think it will be a fun thing to be a part of... I had fun just doing makeup for the 3 performances of Robin Hood last year, and it felt really good to be in the drama scene again after being out of it since high school. I'm even more excited to atually be up on stage, and maybe even saying a few lines!

I should find out by Wednesday if I made it, and if I did, if I am in the chorus or have a part :) I'll let you know ;)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jehovah Jireh

I have heard many people talk about how God reveals different parts of his character to us in different ways, at different times of our lives. Over the past year and a half, the charachteristic that God has been showing me is that He is my provider. My Jehovah Jireh, which means "God will see to it" or "God will provide". God reveals this name for himself to Abraham in Genesis 22. I've been reading up on this and hearing a lot about it lately, and I just thought I'd share some things that I found particularly interesting from a few very wise men. :)


Warren Wiersbe writes the following in his book Be Obedient:

"Two statements reveal the emphasis of this passage:
“God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering” (Genesis 22:8); and “Jehovah-jireh” (Genesis 22:14), which means, “The Lord will see to it,” that is, “The Lord will provide.”

As he climbed Mount Moriah with his son, Abraham was confident that God would meet every need.

On what could Abraham depend? He certainly could not depend on his feelings, for there must have been terrible pain within as he contemplated slaying his son on the altar. He loved his only son, but he also loved his God and wanted to obey Him.

Nor could Abraham depend on other people. Sarah was at home, and the two servants who accompanied him were back at the camp. We thank God for friends and family members who can help us carry our burdens, but there are some trials in life that we must face alone. It is only then that we can see what our Father really can do for us!

Abraham could depend on the promise and provision of the Lord. He had already experienced the resurrection power of God in his own body (see notes Romans 4:19; 20; 21), so he knew that God could raise Isaac from the dead if that was His plan. Apparently no resurrections had taken place before that time, so Abraham was exercising great faith in God.

God did provide the sacrifice that was needed, and a ram took Isaac’s place on the altar (Genesis 22:13). Abraham discovered a new name for God—“Jehovah-jireh”—which can be translated “The Lord will see to it” or “The Lord will be seen.” The statement “In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen” helps us understand some truths about the provision of the Lord.

Where does the Lord provide our needs? In the place of His assignment. Abraham was at the right place, so God could meet his needs. We have no right to expect the provision of God if we are not in the will of God.

When does God meet our needs? Just when we have the need and not a minute before. When you bring your requests to the throne of grace, God answers with mercy and grace “in time of need” (see note Hebrews 4:16). Sometimes it looks like God waits until the last minute to send help, but that is only from our human point of view. God is never late.

How does God provide for us? In ways that are usually quite natural. God did not send an angel with a sacrifice; He simply allowed a ram to get caught in a bush at a time when Abraham needed it and in a place where Abraham could get his hands on it. All Abraham needed was one animal, so God did not send a whole flock of sheep.

To whom does God give His provision? To those who trust Him and obey His instructions. When we are doing the will of God, we have the right to expect the provision of God. A deacon in the first church I pastored used to remind us, “When God’s work is done in God’s way, it will not lack God’s support.” God is not obligated to bless my ideas or projects, but He is obligated to support His work if it is done in His way.

Why does God provide our every need? For the great glory of His name! “Hallowed be Thy name” is the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer (Matt 6:9-13), and it governs all the other requests. God was glorified on Mount Moriah because Abraham and Isaac did the will of the Lord and glorified Jesus Christ. We must pause to consider this important truth."
(Wiersbe, W. W: Be Obedient Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books)


C H Spurgeon states the following in the sermon he gave titled "Jehovah Jireh" on October 12, 1884 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington (England):

"I believe that the truth contained in the expression “Jehovah-jireh” was ruling Abraham’s thought long before he uttered it and appointed it to be the memorial name of the place where the Lord had provided a substitute for Isaac. It was this thought, I think, which enabled him to act as promptly as he did under the trying circumstances. His reason whispered within him,

If you slay your son, how can God keep his promise to you that your seed shall be as many as the stars of heaven?

He answered that suggestion by saying to himself,
Jehovah will see to it!

As he went upon that painful journey, with his dearly beloved son at his side, the suggestion may have come to him,
How will you meet Sarah when you return home, having imbrued your hands in the blood of her son? How will you meet your neighbors when they hear that Abraham, who professed to be such a holy man, has killed his son?

That answer still sustained his heart — 
Jehovah will see to it! Jehovah will see to it! He will not fail in his word. Perhaps he will raise my son from the dead; but in some way or other he will justify my obedience to him, and vindicate his own command. Jehovah will see to it.

This was a quietus to every mistrustful thought.

I pray that we may drink into this truth, and be refreshed by it.

If we follow the Lord’s bidding, He will see to it that we shall not be ashamed or confounded.

If we come into great need by following His command, He will see to it that the loss shall he recompensed.

If our difficulties multiply and increase so that our way seems completely blocked up, Jehovah will see to it that the road shall be cleared.

The Lord will see us through in the way of holiness if we are only willing to be thorough in it, and dare to follow wheresoever He leads the way.

We need not wonder that Abraham should utter this truth, and attach it to the spot, which was to be forever famous: for his whole heart was saturated with it, and had been sustained by it. Wisely he makes an altar and a mountain to be memorials of the truth which had so greatly helped him. His trials had taught him more of God, — had, in fact, given him a new name for his God; and this he would not have forgotten, but he would keep it before the minds of the generations following by naming the place Jehovah-Jireh."


How has God been your Jehovah Jireh, your provider?
How has God been revealing himself to you lately?
What characteristic of God have you been learing about?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Golden Nuggets

one time at a certain missionary families house we were having dinner, and the Man of the house said "when we have parties, everyone has to share a golden nugget. Something that has happened to them recently, good or bad, something that sticks out and is worth sharing". I like that... here are some golden nuggets...

- The water was just off for 2 days... it came back on... God is good (cause He must know how bad we were starting to smell!!)
- We got a german shepherd puppy, her name is Roxy, she barks when people are at the gate... she doesn't like me (actually, she only likes our guards and the one roommate to whom she techincally belongs...).
- I am coming home for Christmas... this alone is worth my weight in gold!! After paying for this ticket, I am now officially flat BROKE, but hey... God will provide (He ALWAYS does!!)
- I am really enjoying my class so far this year - they are a great group of kids (not to mention the fact that I actually have some textbooks to use... that sure makes lesson planning go a lot more smoothly!) :)
- Everyone and their Mom (literally in some cases...) has decided to run/bike/swim a triathalon lately, ok, so I'm not that hopeful, but when I get back to the states I really want to start jogging/running and for now I'm starting with the goal of at least walking a 5k, and eventually running one... I'll get there (and Mandie said she'd run it with me!) :)
- A good friend just told me that they are taking a test for a job in a few weeks, and might be across the country when I get back to Ohio if they pass the test and get the job... yet another realization that the world goes on without me when I leave, and that my friends and I aren't kids anymore... we have to get grown-up jobs and sometimes even move away... who am I kidding... I think I took the cake for moving away... now if only everyone else would stay put for just a few more months and let me get home and convince them not to leave ;)
- Just incase I haven't informed you, I have an AMAZING family... parents and siblings who love and support me, not to mention my extended family... I hate that I am missing things right now that are SO important (weddings, graduations, shows, concerts... and the list goes on), but know that I love you all so much, and that my heart is there with you! Take lots of pictures to help me catch up :)

That was really good for my soul... you should try it sometime :)