1. I am afraid of clowns
2. Hat's look ridiculous on me... always...
3. Sometimes I spend a long time typing out a text message, revising and retyping it, and then deleting it...
4. I was in a pageant once... Junior Miss America
5. I kindof want to be a flight attendant when I grow up...
6. I can make a mean ice cream cake...
7. Speaking of ice cream... ice cream is my favorite food... I could probably live on it alone... seriously!
8. I went straight from living with my parents to living in Africa... extremes much?
9. I really want to adopt someday... now to find a husband that is up for it :)
10. I don't like being wet... including swimming, and really, showering... but I love the ocean!
Hope that was random enough :) I'm supposed to tag 3 more people... and as far as I know, only about 4 people read my blog, one of which has already done this and tagged me... sooooo I tag... Olivia, Nikki, and Dad - :) happy randomness!! A random picture to amuse you... (that's Olivia... talking? and me cutting Emily's ice cream cake... you know, that mean one I mentioned above? and Mitchell watching excitedly)

Everyone steals my pictures and they show up EVERYWHERE!!!
... I like it!
You would make a great flight attendant actually...
Wait! Your Dad has a blog? I didn't know he had a blog! I want to read it. I like your dad!
(no duh)
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